Meet the Practitioner


Hello!✨ My name is Aisa Yamaguchi licensed Acupuncture physician here in Orlando. I've been calling Florida my home now for about 15 years. Aisa Yamaguchi Acupuncture is all about utilizing my training in Kiiko Matsumoto-style Acupuncture (Japanese Acupuncture), Tuina Chinese Medical Massage, Chinese herbology, sound healing, and much more. I'm very much a hands-on practitioner and work with one patient at a time.

What I enjoy most about this medicine is that it's so dynamic. Every person is different. When patients lay on my treatment table, I get to be a detective and find where they are stuck. It's my Zen space. I get to use my well-trained palpation skills/senses and often check reflexes in the abdomen, head/neck/shoulders/feet, and energy. The appropriate Acupuncture points can gently relax the jaw, ease pain, bring about calmness and some new information.

Look forward to meeting you or seeing you again.✨ Stay healthy Orlando! 💪

Orlando Spine Center welcomes Acupuncture


Ancient Healing: Acupuncture for Better Health

Orlando, FL -January 2, 2018 -Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Aisa Yamaguchi will be joining Dr. Jason Nitzsche D.C. in his thriving Chiropractic practice in College Park. Yamaguchi specializes in powerful, yet gentle Japanese Acupuncture, Tuina, and Herbal Medicine.

Pictured: Aisa Yamaguchi, AP (left), Dr. Jason Nitzsche, DC (right).  For appointments call: (321) 775-5968

Pictured: Aisa Yamaguchi, AP (left), Dr. Jason Nitzsche, DC (right).  For appointments call: (321) 775-5968

Her background includes over a decade of training in Tuina, a Traditional Chinese Medical Massage, combined with Japanese abdominal diagnosis; Yamaguchi’s unique Acupuncture treatments provide effective pain-relief and treat various other ailments without harmful side-effects. Her patients have found great relief from severe migraines/headaches, digestive complaints, seasonal allergies, insomnia and even the all-too-common low back pain. Yamaguchi will be a great compliment to Dr. Nitzsche’s gentle, non-invasive NUCCA spinal healthcare approach.   

Orlando Spine Center location: 1009 Webster Ave. Orlando 32804

Orlando Spine Center location: 1009 Webster Ave. Orlando 32804

Acupuncture will be available at the new office location inside Orlando Spine Center at 1009 Webster Ave. Orlando FL 32804. For appointments or for more information call (321) 775-5968 visit Insurance verification and billing are available as a courtesy for Acupuncture patients.


Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture before Childbirth

  1. Stress and anxiety relief are wonderful for mom (and baby).

  2. Acupuncture can safely help with back aches, shoulder pain, and other discomforts you may be experiencing can be addressed during your session.

  3. Acupuncture can help the cervix dilate, efface, and soften by nourishing the fluids of your body, help relax tissues and muscles, and calm the mind for an easier birth.

  4. Birth Preparation can be a safe place to talk about worries and clearing any mental blocks so that you can have a smooth delivery.

  5. Acupuncture right before birth can balance your hormones, your immune system, and any structural imbalances; to better prepare you not only for labor and delivery, but it’s benefits will extend into postpartum as well!

Acupuncture for Birth Preparation

A study published in The American Journal of Acupuncture in 1974 concluded that acupuncture as a form of birth preparation helped to reduce the average time a woman spends in labour. Pre-birth acupuncture treatments help you get into the best possible condition for optimal labor and birth. Acupuncture treatments leading up to birth have also proven to increase the likelihood of delivering on the due date.

We recommend anywhere from 1-5 birth preparation appointments during a healthy pregnancy starting in the 36th week. More than one birth preparation appointment allows your Licensed Acupuncturist to slowly and intentionally prepare your body, gauge your progress and make sure your body is ready. Acupuncture can help turn malpositioned or breech babies. This is most effective if the treatments are done between 34 and 37 weeks; the earlier you begin, the greater likelihood of success. 


Aisa Yamaguchi is a FL Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Tuina Practitioner. Her specialties include gentle Japanese-style Acupuncture, Tuina bodywork, energy work and Intuitive Medicine. Aisa truly enjoys helping mom’s along so that they can have a great experience. She is a proud mom of 2 young kids; one of which was a smooth delivery using Hypnobirthing techniques taught by the accomplished Hypno Doula, Michelle Smith. Please call ahead to schedule your appointment or if you have any questions.

Find out more about Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Here's some literature that you can read and share with anyone who is considering Acupuncture, or even Physicians that are considering refering their patients for Acupuncture may benefit from taking a look at Consumer's Guide to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine published by the State of California. If you're still not sure, give me a call (321) 775-5968 for a consultation and see if its right for you. 


Maybe you could use some inspiration right now..

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." 

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (1992) by author Marianne Williamson