5 Ways to “Flu Proof” Your Kid Naturally

A helpful article I thought you might like to read about from kidsloveacupuncture.com

Proper hygiene, hydration, good nutrition, adequate sleep and avoid stress are the basics we hear about all the time.  Sometimes putting that into action is not as easy as it sounds. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) germ theory; germs don’t make you sick.  Rather, your body’s inability to fend off germs and foreign invaders is what results in your child succumbing to illness.  Think about it… How is it possible that a family of 5 people living under the same roof can have completely different reactions during flu season?  Assuming that everyone is exposed to the same germs and viruses, if the sickness were attributed completely to the virus, everyone would get sick and exhibit the same reaction and symptoms.  What happens in reality is that one or two family members get ill while the others don’t.  Clearly the issue is not the germs, but the body’s response to them. (read more here)