
Simple Rice Porridge for Better Digestion


Eastern Medicine and Eastern Culture have overlaps in concepts of Food As Medicine. In Japan, when someone isn’t feeling well, we make a rice porridge called “Okayu”. Its a simple home-remedy for when a family member is home with a cold, flu or stomach bug… pretty much anytime you or someone isn’t feeling well, expect to be eating this while you’re on the mend. In Korea its called Jook, Congee in Chinese, and I’m sure eat Asian country has its own variation. Its warming for the stomach, easy to digest, and has no oils or fats to slow absorption. Basic recipe I’m most familiar with is Japanese white rice, slow cooked with extra water to make it like a thick soup. You can try this next time when you’re not feeling well or you’re taking care of someone, eaten too much or overindulged.. the list can go on. I’ve included a link for a recipe that the author further explains and a variation on the regular porridge. The main premise of this is nourishing the body in a gentle way so that your digestion can do its job and your body can expend minimal energy while recovering. Read on if you’re interested in making it or learning more. I find its always best to know these things ahead of time and recollect when you need it. Hope you give it a try and let Food be your Medicine!

Seven Herb Rice Porridge Recipe